FISM Blackpool 4. DEN


Zajímavým projektem byl tzv. Magic Speed Dating. Seděli jsme u stolů a vždy na 10 minut k nám přišla jedna z jedenácti kouzelnických celebrit. Ty se pak střídaly po zaznění gongu. Proč??? Proto, aby nám odpověděly opravdu na vše, co nás zajímá!!!

Po prvních pěti minutách jsem pochopil, že u stolů sedí lidi, kteří chtějí znát jen triky a jejich tajemství a místo toho, aby se ptali na cokoliv, co se jinak nedozví, chtěli po všech celebritách jen kouzla, kouzla, kouzla… Lehce jsem tedy u našeho stolu převzal iniciativu (víte jak, kdo si neřekne, ten nedostane :-)) a zjistil jsem aspoň toto:

1. Boris Wild svůj výstup s mrtvou dívkou založil na skutečných událostech, ale nechtěl to šířit – otázka ho zaskočila, rozpovídal se a byl u nás déle než 10 minut. Evidentně si o tom rád promluvil. Nápad, který se v představení objevil teprve půjde do prodeje a byl překvapen, že jsem si toho vůbec všimnul.

2. Shoot Ogawa sám sebe považuje za nudného šprta, který neumí balit baby, nemá žádný jiný koníček kromě magie, má svůj okruh dobrých přátel a o nové neusiluje. Nesportuje, nevaří, netančí… Soukromě mimo kouzla byl opravdu lehce ušlápnutý. Pak jsem ho ale po dvou dnech zahlédnul, jak pomáhá zraněnému tradičními japonskými postupy – nahřívání dlaní, akupresura apod :-). Asi to nebere jako další zvláštní dovednost:-).

3. Mark Mason nemá téměř žádné vzdělání, dělal spoustu špinavých prací a vypracoval se sám. Měl radost z otázky o jeho životě a šlo vidět, že je opravdu hrdý na to, kam se vlastní pílí dostal. Veškeré rekvizity vyrábí sám ručně a prodává je se svou ženou. Ta mimo jiné vymyslela trik na libovolném čísle karta viz. výše. Mark se otrkával v restauracích a hotelích, až se našel v komediálních klubech a postupem času se stal také kouzelníkem pro kouzelníky.

4. Jay Scott Berry jenom přišel, ukázal mizící uzel na šátku a kroužek na stuze – tvrdil, že to je nejlepší kouzlo pro lidi, protože se stuhou a kroužkem se každý ztotožní :-). Nic soukromého říkat nechtěl.

5. Kozmo byl přiopilý a předváděl pouliční předvedení mince, která mizí, objeví se v oku, pak pod botou, pak v oku. Na ulici by to asi bylo dobré, tady to moc nevyšlo. Zeptal jsem se ho, kolik nejvíc vydělal za jednu pouliční show. Zasmál se a řekl, že 300 dolarů. Víš, to bylo tak (viz Jára Cimrman)… Přišli tři kamarádi, jeden mu potřásl rukou a hodil mu kilo. Druhý mu hodil taky kilo a třetí odcházel. Kozmo se zdravou drzostí vyjel: ,,Hej, kde je Vaše kilo?“ Borec se zasmál a taky mu hodil kilo. Další lidi mu nic nedali, protože už viděli, že dostal dost :-).

6. Cameron Francis dělal rukama velmi nečistě a hrbil se. Když jsem se ho zeptal, jaké používá marketingové postupy ke své propagaci, řekl, že je herec a že vlastně není kouzelník a že už zvoní zvon a odešel.

7. Eric Jones pracoval jako pojišťovák mezi spoustou spisů, ale už od čtyř let za ním stáli velcí magičtí lektoři, takže jeho cesta světem magie nebyla úplně nejtěžší. Dělá rád pro laiky i pro kouzelníky, ale pro kouzelníky více a za více.

8. Joshua Jay působí velmi skromně a sympaticky. Má za sebou těžkou autonehodu, dlouho byl ležák. Sám se cítí být spíše kouzelníkem pro lidi než pro kouzelnickou komunitu. Má svou vlastní show v Las Vegas. Na světlo světa je vykopaný Lancem Burtonem a dalšími. DVD prý točí jako marketingový tah, ale moc se u natáčení necítí, protože je vše strojené. Má rád autentičnost.

9. David Stone. Tak, jdeme na to!!! Byl jediný, který lidi u stolu seřval (doslova 🙂 ) za to, že po něm chtějí triky místo toho, aby se ptali. Paráda, zde jsme se shodli :-). Je to chodící egoista – šampón, který je naprostý profesionál v tom, co dělá. Na otázku kolik vydělává odpověděl, že vydělává opravdu A LOT, že si to nedovedeme představit!!! Absolutně vůbec nekouzlí pro laiky – všude, kde píše nebo říká že ano, si vymýšlí. Účel světí prostředky. Veškerý jeho materiál tvoří záměrně na naši komunitu a to vč. gagů a prezentačních tipů. Skvělý byznysman, který propojuje tradiční cesty s moderními technologiemi. Jediný měl sebou svůj vlastní tým fotografů, kameramanů, hostesek, manažerů… Mimo lidi chodil naprosto vážný, působil až nabubřele, jakmile přistoupil k nám, nahodil komerční úsměv a valil vtípek za vtípkem. Asi takto. Mimo své výstupy působil stroze, nepřístupně, namyšleně. Během svých výstupů byl absolutně skvělý!!! Profesionál, který bere magii jako práci a soukromý život s magií NIKDY, NIKDY nespojuje – jeho slova.

10. Greg Wilson a jeho prezentační postupy. Svou show staví jako strom. Strom, který má pevný kmen. Tento kmen tvoří odzkoušená triková náplň, image, gagy a text. Pak až jsou větve, které se rozrůstají improvizací. Pokud improvizujete a cítíte, že to sedlo, větev přiroste ke kmeni a po několika úspěšných zopakováních se z improvizace stane rutina – součást kmene. Kmen se tak neustále rozrůstá. POZOR!!! Pokud však improvizujeme a vidíme, že je to špatné, ať se děje, co se děje, ať jsme, kde jsme, rychle hop zpátky na kmen, kde to funguje a teprve po čase zase pracovat na nové větvi. Živí se jako „poctivý zloděj“ a k magii přistupuje jako k prostředku, který nám umožňuje být kdykoliv tou nejvíc COOL osobou mezi ostatními ve společnosti. Netočí nová DVD, ale vymýšlí nové rekvizity.

11. Michael Ammar. Místo plánovaných 10ti minut si se mnou povídal téměř hodinu a půl. Šli jsme dokonce bokem, abychom nerušili ostatní program a vše tak probíhalo v absolutním soukromí. Vše, co říkal, zároveň psal a kreslil jako velké schéma, které mám teď doma, heč :-)… K věci…Soukromá lekce jak se živit jako kouzelník, kolik si brát za vystoupení, jak rozšiřovat a určovat trh, co si obléct, jak propojit staré s moderním, jaké knihy číst, co úplně přestat dělat, byť si myslíme, že je to dobré…Jak uvažoval Dai Vernon, jaký je rozdíl mezi tím, kdo dělá triky a mezi tím, kdo je kouzelník…Že kouzlení je byznys a že tak je k němu třeba přistupovat, chceme-li jej jako živobytí…Odpovídal na jakékoliv otázky a to velmi slušně a do hloubky…Doporučuje číst komiksy.

Dnes také jeden z účastníků vyhrál diamant za 6500,- liber. Po dvou skupinách jsme navštívili i blackpoolský cirkus. Velmi zábavný klaun a průvodce, úžasní artisté, holky všech odstínů a barev s nádhernýma prdelkama (jsem si jistý, že tři z nich se po celou svou produkci dívaly jen na mě a vrtěly jen pro mě 🙂 a na závěr obrovské vodní finále, kdy v cirkuse odjela podlaha, dno se zaplnilo vodou a na dvou lodích zde kroužili indiáni, nad jejichž hlavami se točily tanečnice v šálách. Famózní!!! 

Krásný den, že? 🙂

Brzy pošlu poslední díl této reportáže.

Měj se fajn!


Tips and Support for Magicians!

Ultra light traveling with Magic Show?

When to start perform magic?


My magic friend, hello!

Before you watch this video below, let me share some thoughts with you.

It is pretty obvious and pretty simple and that’s why some many people forget, that


And sometimes even we magicians need some change. Our life is filled up with routines. Not just magic routines.

And as routines can be good for us, too much of anything is not good.

You can dream about being a professional magician.

You can dream about traveling country and sleep in 5 stars hotels.

Ÿou can dream about making living by doing what you love.

I do all of that…

When you just really quick visit my website of my czech magic company VESPE.CZ, you will see, what kind of shows do I both perform and produce.

I know, it is in czech, but you can see there, how much we work and how our job looks like.

So sometimes, I just need a change. And sometimes you will need it too.

It can be something big as for example an urge to change your show completely.

Or sometimes just something small, but what can still make big difference and can make you feel good.

Maybe just to go perform to small towns, where no other artists go.

Or maybe to go performing on a street for a while.

Or maybbe just travel ultra light for couple magic shows as I did.

Have a Magical Day!

From MAGIC DISTRICT HAVÍŘOV – Home of Magic and Arts

Jakub Vosáhlo

Don’t wait my magic friends and start now!

P.S.: Join me in YouTube HERE!

Busking with Magic and other Arts


Dear Friends, hello! 🙂

Today I’ve prepared something like a retro lecture for you :-D.

It is my video from 2012, which is still even now helping to magicians and also to other Artists!

I still fully believe in its content!

When young magicians asks me:,,How to start magic as a living?“

Busking. That’s always one of my firsts answers!

You can start now.

You can perform now.

You can do what you love now.

And you can get pay for it…. Now!

I’ve been on the street and let me tell you something, guys…

If anything will go wrong in my Life, if the internet will fall down, if there will be no more corporates in the world to run their epic events… If anything happen…

I’m right back on the street and will never be hungry!

That’s how deep is busking still inside me…

Friends, CARPE DIEM!

From Havířov, Czech republic…

Jakub Vosáhlo

P.S.: Join my YouTube HERE!

Professional FREE Magic Marketing Tips!




Hello, my dear Friends!

Magicians, jugglers, enterpreneurs, cooks, photographers, comedians, artists…..

People, who do love Life all over the world!!! 🙂

This e-book (begins below this introduction) did set up some new standards in my home country, Czech republic.

It did help and inspire so many people in so many fields and I’m happy for that.

I wrote it back in 2013. In Czech language of course :-).

And i did wish so much to share it with you in english one day.

So I finally did tranaslate me :-)!

As always it is written in Czenglish :-).

I did all the translating for you and I did enjoy every minute of doing so.

Because I believe, that If you will want to understand me, you will!

Besides my grammar and literate inacurracy :-).

So It is here for you!

And it is for free!

Same as it is in Czech republic :-).

And same as in Czech, you can put any price on it or you don’t have to.

One of my life’s rules is „WIN/WIN“, so thats why I decided to do it that way.

Enjoy it, my Friend and I wish you really Happy day!


Jakub Vosáhlo

This book contains mostly information which I learned during years of working as a Magician with hundreds others entertainers and creative thinkers! Thanks for the Journey, guys! 😉

© 2013 Czech edition

© 2017 English „online“ edition (That’s what you’re reading right now 🙂 )

Jakub Vosáhlo


It doesn’t matter, if you are running your own business or if you work for somebody else.

This book will teach you to do better business with so simple actions as giving out your business card.

If it’s done properly.

It will show you, how to use power of your ideas, your personality and it will force you to think and to use your own fantasy.

But before we start to have fun by doing, what we love…

I would like to tell you, that you are great, because you are trying to work on your selves and that you are trying to be good at what you do.

This book will fulfil its destiny even if only one idea or just one thought will make you say or think:

,, This one is for me, why did I not think about it earlier? I will try this!!!“

And then you do ;-).

And that’s it!!!

Please, if you will find something for you,


Find your style and your ways, how to become a master in Overbusinesscarding the world! 😉

You friend, reading this book right now, it’s already proof of your self-awareness, that every single idea and detail can make huge DIFFERENCE with your customers.

Yes, I used the word DIFFERENT in large letters!

Think about the meaning and power of that word ;-).

I didn’t say, that something will be


This book will not make a better product of your already existing product, but it will higher up your chances, that client will contact rather you, than your rivals.

Even so ,,simple” thing like business card can increase your profits in almost any field, can spread more the awareness about your company and services and can get you a little bit more of your potential client.

And from my hearth one more thing, if you don’t know it yet… Life should be fun!

One more time… LIFE SHOULD BE FUN!!!

All of us should enjoy our life and one of the best ways is:


So have fun by doing your job, spread a good mood around you all the time and really enjoy you work as a relaxation as well…

Then, when you come home, you will not just complain about everything and your life will go the better way J.

Tips in this book are opening next tiny doors to even better mood, to more success in your business – business and humour together!

Even, when you put humour in your job, you can still have great results, do your marketing really well and your business can grow as never before!


Why is this book free and what is its real value?

It depends, how you will use the information.

At the end it’s always you, who will put your own price on anything.

To me this information is making quiet good money, because I’m really using them actively!

You’ve got it for free, because then you have the right to decide, if you will make like million dollars because of it, that you will send me 10% or one buck or nothing J.

So, I gave it for free from couple reasons:

  1. Everybody can have it, so everybody can use it legally and freely with no exceptions!
  2. I’m really sure, that most of you will NEVER USE this information! That’s how it goes in our world. A lot of people just do the talking but will not do, so I don’t want these people’s money!

And then there are people,


And to these people I would like to talk and be friend with them! Maybe you are in the second group…We’ll see.

  1. It is my first book ever J.

And why this one is the first?

Because I wanted to talk to people, who love to think differently.  And my full support goes to those, who are really proud about their uniqueness! 

So in the future I will be really grateful for any personal e-mail with your story, how did this book hit you and how and where did you use its content or found out something new.

Let me know:

DIFFERENTLY shaped business cards

Shoking at first sight!!!

If you are a businessman in your heart and soul, then you know, that people love to see nice things. They love to see something really nice… And the right word here could be catchy. It doesn’t matter, if they are buying a car, sofa, cell phone, cloth…

And it’s the same with business cards!

You can give your business card to some client and he will thank you and put it in his pocket.

OR he will get your business card, it will stuck him to the ground, before he puts it in his pocket, he will star on it for a while, look at it from all sides, play with it and then he will talk about it with you for a while.

The second kind of business card (beside that it will really catch your clients attention) will give you one of the most valuable things at that moment.


Often it is just couple seconds or minutes, but event at a short time, you can sell your selves or your services in your field as a true professional.

As you can see, there are no photos in this book, because it should be your own fantasy, what should make the work. But try to imagine this kind of business cards:

  • Circle business card (hmmm, for sure this will make them talk – and it is sooo simple, right J? )
  • 3D Origami style business card (like a boat you know from kindergarten… for sure your client will smile)
  • Business card 1cm x 1cm (shocking by its smallness and all the information written with miniature writing – client will be always more careful to this kind of business card and right in front of you, he will put this business card on a different spot than the others and even better it will be HIS decision… If it is a really important client, what about a magnifying glass as a special present, which goes with the business card, hm? J )
  • Business card 20cmx20cm or even bigger? (it’s the right opposite of the small one and it will be even more surprising, if there is just phone number in the middle of it…. Why?… He will remember, who gave it to him, where and why J )
  • Business card with burned hole in it (this business card will make the right fuss, especially when remove it out of pack full of differently burned business cards – you create the story about WHY? J and humour and success will go hand in hand – this business card will for sure work, if cremation is your job J, HA! J)

DIFFERENTLY given business cards

Who said, that all the contact information has to be on your business card?

Like name of your company, four different numbers, website, e-mail, address etc…??? WHO??? Why not to throw in your birthday, your kids names and your neighbour’s dog name and receipt for stoned gluten-free cookies, hm…?

NO! It doesn’t have to be there!


It could be your name, phone number, address…

If you made the right impression as a person, as a business man, as YOU, your client will find you even with just one clue!!!

Give away your business cards DIFFERENTLY

than your business rivals!

One more time:

,, If YOU made the right impression, your CLIENT WILL FIND YOU by himself!”

Here is an example for you to see, how it works…

Do you see that beautiful girl or boy with a nice smile behind the bar? Do you need all the information (size of shoes included) or is a phone number on a napkin is enough for you?

I hope, you know, what I mean J… Tomorrow you will see the napkin and YOU NOW EXACTLY!

Nothing more is needed, right?

The same works for your client.

Be his girl (or boyJ ) behind the bar.

All other businessmen have all the information on their business card.

But you want to be DIFFERENT.

I want to be DIFFERENT.


You, reading this book right now shows it J!

And now let’s warm up our brain cells and wake up our friend Fantasy.

For all following business cards you will put just one contact information. Still the client will know exactly, who is the person behind that contact.

Let’s imagine, you’re the client who wants a business card. And I will show you some situations, where you (client) are collecting some supplier’s contacts for your company.

All are the same and then finally…


Let’s go J:

  • Let’s say, you’re running a wedding agency. You’re looking for a flower supplier on a flower fair. Hundreds and hundreds of them are the same and then… This old and really nice lady smiles at you. You can feel that she’s good in her business and you can feel her love for what she’s doing.  As a business card she will put a rose blossom on your jacket flap. In this blossom is one petal made out of plastic or paper with her website printed on it J – the rose withers one day, but the contact will stay ,,fresh”… Then, when you come back to your office, you will remember this lady and her business card between all the others, because it is sooo DIFFERENT!!! All others are the same… You see?
  • Another scenario. You’re running an event agency. But now you’re just a guest on a Magic Night party. You’re enjoying your wine in a luxury hotel and there are walk around magicians everywhere. You like this kind of fun and you want to use it for your services as well. During the evening you ask all the magicians for their business card. Five of them will give you the business card ,,as usual”. The sixth one will remove burning business card. Burning with high and bright flame. In front of your eyes he will blow it out and it starts to levitate in the middle of the air. Than it falls on your hand. It’s yours now J. There is just a website, NOTHING MORE! Do you think that this is too much? No, no… I’m the magician in the Hilton Hotel and this is a true story… Guess who got all the other jobs from this event managerJ.
  • Last example (you create all the others). Imagine that you’re searching for really creative graphic designer for your website… There is so many of them on this fair… All of them have their business cards – Great font, great placement of all the text, great logos… Just one of them will take out a pack of business cards and the top business card has just chaos on it. The letters are not in order, they are different sizes, dirty – COMPLETE MESS J! But by riffling the pack really quick with his thumb (as if you draw pictures in your notebook in school and then made them move) all the letters starts to move, they change shape and size, even a colour and finally they create a website, name or a phone number. This last business card goes to you with a smile and hand shake. You had some fun, because you have seen something like this maybe for the first time in your life and you’ve got your guy.

You found somebody, who is CREATIVE and does things DIFFERENTLY!!!

,,ON THE SPOT MADE” business cards

(created right here and right now: cheap, DIFFERENT, ones of the most effective)

It shouldn’t happen, but still… Right now you have no business cards by yourself.

If you didn’t take them with you, that’s wrong. The only excuse for not having a business card is that you already gave them all away today.

Then you should be able to create your own business card right here and still do it by the rule – AGAIN TO BE DIFFERENT.

Even with this business card, your client has to know exactly, who is behind it!

Trust me on that, but most of the time, this kind of business cards will stay by your client much longer, than the ,,professionally made”, which took you time to make and money to spend (and remember that one equals the other).

From my own experiences I know, that sometimes is better to use one of the ON THE SPOT MADE business cards even if I’ve got some already made on me. Sometimes the power of the moment is stronger, you know J? But it is always your decision. I will tell you an example. But again you create your own. Be DIFFERENT!!!

  • I’m invited to a corporate event, where they want me to perform some mentalism for the audience around the table. Yes, mentalism is one of my loves and I use its techniques even in my business, so I’m telling you things which I do really use! My mentalism business cards are made specially for hypnotizing people. I can spin them, let the people star on it for a while and then make them sleep…Deep, deep sleep… J. After each of this hypnosis people keep that business card. But in reality, they are keeping the memory about the hypnosis and of course, about meJ. On this kind of corporate events my business cards are vanishing really quickly. So then, when a lady comes to me and wishes my business card and I don’t have any more, I will do for example what follows, but NEVER SAY THAT YOU DON’T HAVE A BUSINESS CARD!!!

Be a professional and help yourself:

,,Of course, what is your name, please…?…Ok, Filomena (I go inside my pocket for a small notepad and a pencil), have you ever tried mind reading?…NO???… what do you like to do, what are yours hobbies?… Hmmm, very good, please write on this piece of paper — My name is Filomena, I love to swim and going out with my dogs. In the evening I like to watch movies. — Very good and now I will put my name here and let’s say my website So… As you can see, both of us has different hand writing and your shows me, that…”

Yes, I will start immediately as a hurricane and will do a quick reading for her (that’s part of my job as well, so I’m still working hereJ ). I show her differences between her and mine writing. I’m very personal and Filomena is listening to every single word, because I’m talking ABOUT HER and about WHAT SHE LIKES (go for Dale Carnegie’s books J)

And what do you think, I will give her at the end?

Yes, sir!

Her own hand writing with readings and with this:

Jakub Vosáhlo

That’s it… J

After years I did couple of them, who still keeps the paper in her wallet!!! J

They are recommending my services, they are talking about me, they are showing this ordinary piece of paper to her friends and colleagues.

The power of the moment!

Every single second of that moment is used!:-)

There are tons of reading behind me, writings on playing cards, original pictures and drawings, even toilet paper … J. There is my contact on all of that and people are keeping this as a souvenir J. That’s it, they want to KEEP IT from some kind of reason. AND YOU MUST CREATE THE REASON! J.

Find your own style!!!


MY but YOURS business cards

(will make your status of professional stronger and get you valuable contacts)

Sometimes is better, when you will take the business card instead of giving your own. Let me explain that, I will make it again really simple J.

One of you can be in a hurry, or maybe this client is much more important for you than you are for him (no offence – that’s life, we should be careful about our Egos J). So in that case it is better for you to contact that person, than risking that your client will ,,cool down” or loses your business card etc.

For this case (and it looks sooo pro!) it’s good to have couple of business cards maybe just with your logo and blank lines with titles NAME, E-MAIL, PHONE NUMBER…

If you are experienced in business, then this technique will remind you of all signed up forms you know online J.

Yes, client who wanted your business card, happens to be your subscriber right now. He gives you the permission to contact him with your offer J!

Next steps are up to you. That is not the content of this book.

Even on these business cards you can prepare some shocking ideas, but ordinary business card will work as well, because your client will do the job by filling it up.

Every time I used this kind of business card, they told me, that they have never seen such a business card and that it is a good idea.

They’re right, it is J.

Calling to action

If you look at a business card with a lot of contacts, it means, that you can choose your own way, how to get in touch with somebody. Sometimes you can see even the time when to call.

But with your business card you should call to action, not just to inform somebody about your existence.

Every time it is better to print there:

CALL 123456 than Phone: 123456.

It is the same thing, but just one is calling to action, the other one is just informing.

Using this approach, you can lead your client,

where you need him to be J.

Let’s say, you used some of the techniques above to make your client sure, that he knows:,, This business card belongs to YOU!” And on that business card is written just:            CALL: 123456.

It is so clear to him, that he will just and only call you. He will not try to get in touch with you some other way.

If there is your website, then he will go there and get in touch with you online.

If you put there:,, Search Jakub Vosáhlo on YouTube.”, then this is the only choice for him.

You’re the one, who can lead your clients just where you want. Think, what do you want for your clients to do and

let your business card to tell them exactly that! J.

Ordinary business card just mumbles about everything and nothing.



Tips, Ideas and my way of looking on Overbusinesscarding the World

It is already years ago, when I found out that ,,businesscarding” is really huge advantage and weapon of mine.

That I’m doing it DIFFERENTLY than the others and that I can see, that clients still keeps my business cards in their wallets or on their desk.

How did I found out the power?

I’ve been working on my two companies and during that I was pretty well known as a speaker on a radio.

Listeners where listen to me, I had my fans, I’ve got my own RADIO BUSINESS CARDS and I had HUGE EGO! Shame on me!!!

Jesus, I was so stupid :-D…

Everywhere I went primary I gave away all the radio business cards. And on them? My name, radio logo, contacts to the radio, address of the radio and all the other unnecessary stuff about radio, radio, radio…

My own personal business cards, where just… just lying somewhere…

People called me sometimes, but after some time I found out that they are clients FROM MY OWN BUSINESS CARDS!

Not from the radio’s!

From mine’s, which I gave them in some really nice situation, with humour and joy, when I found them behind theirs ears or if I made theirs dog name appear on the business card J…

These where not clients from Vosahlo The Egoist, Te BIG Radio CELEBRITY! No, no J.

It was, when I gave them something from my heart. Something, what I love, something what I created, something, what I enjoy every minute of my lifeJ.

I hope, you understand.

Business card is just a tool for many business men.

But it is already given away so automatically, like we are robots or something.

They give their business card away, just because it should be done… That’s the codex or something… I don’t know, why so many people go main stream…J.

BE DIFFERENT!!! When you give your business card to somebody, do it like a ,,small” ceremony, like a show, ritual, pleasure, unforgettable experience…!!!

It can be done.

I know that, because I’m doing it and it WORKS!!!

Please, do understand, that


who is giving the business card. At that moment it is YOU who’s this client talking to, who he sees, who he will remember.

IT IS YOU and you’re giving him the most important marketing tool which is given only HAND TO HAND right AT THIS MOMENT!!!

You must use MAXIMUM out of this moment!

This business card is YOUR creation and it represents YOU and YOUR company!

It should reflect something from your inside, your point of view about business, world, Life.

Your website is doing so, your flyers, posters, your displays on the street, your personal e-mail, your Facebook…

Pieces of you are in all of that.

So why should be your business card made by some stranger who doesn’t even know you?

YOU are the CENTER of your business!!!

When I’m giving my business card to somebody (me, Jakub Vosáhlo), I can hear the business man inside of me but even the little boy, who loves to play games and he knows, that right now, he will have some funJ. I’m looking forward to it, as I will make my clients day. I’m prepared to give him experience and a piece of myselfJ.

Every time I’ve got many scenarios, how to give my business card exactly to this person right here and right now and no one else will chose for meJ.

I will make my best and I will do it so we both have some fun!

Pretty often I’m playing different kind of roles when I give away my business cards – I do so as a mentalist, hypnotist, magician, manager, speaker, business man, teacher, coach… But these are just names…


And that’s another thing. I do run couple businesses and in different fields.

So I’m using for each kind of situations

different types of business cards.

When I do work for VESPE.CZ than I use just these business cards. Only with logo on them. And the logo is also a website.

The reason is really simple. The same business card can use all the entertainers in my company and all the clients will go every time straight to our website.

Then I don’t need to print every time new set of business cards for our new colleagues. It saves time and money and we are working as a team under one brand!

Than I’ve got these hypnotizing business card, like I told you before, but these works as well for my clients to put their initials on it and I will keep his contact as I said earlier J.

Very often I’m creating business cards on the spot, when I write with a sharpie on plates, spoons, forks, flowers…

Remember, every time it’s me,

who is this client remembering!

I’m using burning business cards or sometimes I put them in their pockets or under their watch J.

I like this one J. When they go:,,Do you have a business card?”  ,,Yes and do you have the time, please…?”

Simply said, use maximum of these ideas and put your own personality in it.

You will see, that it works and THAT IT’S FUN! J.

Your ideas should be what

drives your business and what makes you grow.

Your ideas should be in all of your marketing tools. Even in this ,,small” like business card.

Ideas, ideas, ideas…

they are moving the world and changing history.

Make your ideas happen!

You know, what would you like…


Just imagination of something

with no action means nothing!

Many times I’ve been thinking… Is there some best time, when to give my business card to somebody? Should I wait until they ask for it?

Well, give it away every time you can. Simple fact showed me this. Couple times during my life I had already new phone number but still five boxes full of old business cards. Next I changed my website a created some new business cards to match it. And again, boxes of the old ones J.

So, you get the idea, right?

And it shouldn’t be like that. Business cards are for flying to your clients one by one. They should be in the action all the time, still quietly working for you and reminding you to people, who will one day need your services or products.

Give away your business cards and do it everywhere. Even give them to seemingly strangers – waiters in the restaurant, taxi drivers, doctors, your kid’s teacher…

They don’t know yet, that one day they will need you, but you already know J!

Do businesscarding any time it is good for you. And let the judging on the donee.

Finally thanks to all of you, who did the thinking during reading this book and trying understand my English J.

If you would like to read this book in real beautiful grammar and full of nice words and double meaning, which I love, learn Czech and read it in my national language J.

Thank you, that you’ve been thinking about yourself, about your attitude to your business, to people, to marketing, to Life J…

If you’ve been thinking and using your own fantasy, the book has filled its destiny…

Thanks to all of you J

Jakub Vosáhlo, Czech Republic

P.S.: Really do live your dreams, it is possible!!! J

If you liked this book, you can buy it after already reading it by donation as I told you before. If so, please, write a note ,,Overbusinesscarding of the World” and your name, so in my mind I will know, to whom I’m sending my quiet:,, Thank youJ.”

About me (if you are interestedJ )

I’m an entrepreneur, magician, coach, creative creator, event manager, I do work a lot…

But everything I do, I Love, I do only that and I can make my living by doing so J.

I fully support similar thinking people and from bottom of my heart I wish success to all of you, who have the strength to go for your dreams and TO LIVE THEM!!!

All of my projects I started with nothing. And what I have been dreaming as a child, I’m living now as an adult.

I’ve been working and sleeping on the street for some time and as anybody else had some money problems and family problems, you know… problems as life goes J.

But after each ,,Life’s punch in my face” I stood up and went again forward as a machine J.

I wish to have this strength for the rest of my life…

But this book is not about me, I just wanted to support and motivate you a little bit on your journey. And I want to tell you, that for every single problem there is always a solution!!!

If you are one of these, who are just mumbling and complaining about everything then you and me will never be friends…

But if you’re a ,,fighter”, than I’m with you!

You are not alone on the journey to your dreams. Everything is possible. And if the others can, YOU can too!



By doing so, you can support another creations of know-hows for all people who loves, what they do.

Some of you will send 1$, some 5$, some maybe even more and some will send nothing J.


,,Thank you for your interest .”

Jakub Vosáhlo

P.S.: Join me in my YouTube channel HERE!



Dear Friend, hello again! 🙂

Thank you sooo much for all your time, which we are spending together and I hope that my articles and videos makes you think, so you can enjoy your own journey! 😉

Let’s start!

Some people do call it Time Management…

I don’t. Sounds complicated. Sounds scientific. Sounds kind of expensive, hm? 😉

We want to learn all the basics as ordinary people.

With fun and easy followed explanations and tips what to do and how!

So, let’s think about this really simple sentence…


Think about it…

We can’t really argue about that, can we…?

Because we are honest to each other and mostly to ourselves.

Because we know, that we are free people and that we have a choice every second of our life.

We chose to be with this person, we chose to work at that job, we chose to love or to hate, we chose to insult or to praise…


So if you’re the lord of your own time but you still feel, that it’s not enough, try this really simple tip.


I do this every single day since 2009!

Every single day, when I want to work, create, workout, prepare my new magic or mentalism show, learn something…

When I want to accomplish something new.


Wake up one hour earlier, than you usually do.

Take a nice fresh and quick shower and eat wonderful, big and fresh breakfast!



Eat yoghurt with no sugar, fresh fruit (whole), eggs, vegetables, cheeses, coffe, tea, milk…


Eat slow, enjoy every single taste and colour, smell the food, have fun, play with it as children do.

After you finish your breakfast, boil water for your coffee or tea and during that time…


Sit down with your cup of cofftea and write down every single task, you want to accomplish today.

Then sort those tasks from the hardest to the easiest.

If there is a need to go or travel somewhere, plan it so you can accomplish more things during just one journey.

After you finish this list of to do things, start to do those tasks from the hardest to the easiest.

Do it as playing a game with yourselves!

How quick can you do it? How good can you do it? How funny can you do it?


And every time, when you finish one task, OBLITERATE IT SOOO HARD! 😉



After all those tasks you will have just piece of paper with crossed over words on it.

You can throw it away!

But I do keep every single one of those!

Because these are your medals!

These papers of victory means, that you have won all those games!

As you will try to use this technique more often, you will start to realize, that you will be less bored. 

You will be able to accomplish all those tasks much quicker. 

You will know exactly what to do and when and you will never forget a thing!

Because it is written by your own hand for your own Fun! 😉

And then when all those tasks are crossed over…



There is no way to put some new tasks at the paper today!


You are your own boss and just because someone tells you that you need to do something doesn’t mean that you really must!



If there is some new task, extra meeting, extra shopping atc…



It is really important to have the power to say it to yourselves. I’M DONE TODAY!

Soon you will have much more time for yourselves, your partner and kids, your hobbies, your life.

And it is really important to understand, that planning your time is just a skill!

It is an ability!

And therefore you can learn it and become better at it!

And it can be done right or wrong (or never) also!

So if someone is already planning and still can’t accomplish a thing, maybe he’s doing it wrong or maybe he’s taking wrong actions to accomplish those tasks (but that is a case for a different article).

So, don’t improvise.

This system with pen, paper, fun and game already works! USE IT! 😉

Everything in your life starts just in your head and it is so necessary to create good habits to be successful ;-).

I wish you the best and remember that you’re not alone! 😉

We are in this together and if you will work on yourselves and if you will take those right actions, you will start to be, where you want to be and who you want to be! 😉

Best wishes!

Your friend…

Jakub Vosáhlo

P.S.: Join me in YouTube HERE!

How to be Happy in Life?

For start be happy in your job!



My Friend, hello! So great, that I can talk to you again 😉

Shall we start? 😉

How many of really happy employers do you know?

What kind of impact on your happiness and success does your job have?

Successful people are doing, what they love!

So are you or are you not an employee?

And right now, when you’re reading this, be honest… ARE YOU HAPPY EMPLOYEE???

I will be honest to you and I will tell you, how many really happy employees do I know.


That is the number!!!

Do you know more of them? But wait!

Before you answer, let me define absolutely happy employee the way as I see it.

And as usual, this is just my personal point of view. I don’t force you my opinion, I’m just sharing it with you.

Absolutely satisfied and happy employee:

 Is making as much money, as he wish and he is making money any time he wish, not just ones in a month.

– He wakes up any time he wish and he is never going to work against his own will.

– He works just with people he likes and he enjoys every minute spent with them every day.

– He loves his bosses and has never a reason to complain about them.

– He can choose his own working hours and when he doesn’t want to work, he doesn’t have to.

– He can have as much of holidays and vacations as he with and he doesn’t have to consult it with his bosses or anyone else!

And I could keep going…

If you know that kind of employee, great! Idon’t.

So if you’re an employee then I can suppose just a little bit that you are not absolutely happy in your job.

Is that right or is that wrong?

I’m just trying to let us everybody think…

So, try this…

First just try to search for something else.

Something you really love!

It is not about the money right now.

What would you do if money weren’t an object, hm?

I’m not telling you to quit your job right now. But try to find your own way.

Study, think, search for it!

But wait.

What if you’re already your own boss, but you’re still not happy working?

Well, simply said it is possible, that you are not working at the right field for you.

And here is once again the same question for you.

What would you do if money weren’t an object?

Again, don’t think about money right now ;-).

But what do you love?

What makes you laugh?

What does fill you up?

What do you do more often and better then people you know?



So remember the rule number one… ?



…and now one more rule…


Not what would you like to do, but what you WANT TO DO!

Real life story:

I’ve been doing radio for many years. I had my show in prime time and I had my fans.

First I tought, that I was happy there and I did really enjoy all the work.

I did earn my fee just for talking to people – so for me sounds like a dream way how to make money :-).

And I wasn’t even employee but I did it as an entrepreneur, so absolutely great, right?

But after some time I started to realize, that even when I was an entrepreneur, my bosses wanted me still behave and work as an employee.

Call it as you wish, but when you are an employee, there will be always one thing missing at your work.

One thing which is absolutely essential for as, human beings!


Freedom, I think, is one of the main ingredients,

which has to be mixed in the dough for cake of happiness!

I quit radio!

Every time it feels kind of like a brake up to quit something, what you’ve been enjoying earlier.

But sometimes it is just necessary to be strong enough to say to me: That is enough!

Just to rip off the patch and go to live again!

And that is true for relationships and work as well.


We must think about it in a realistic and economic sphere also :-).

Just understand, that I’m not telling you to quit right now and stay on the street.

This article is dedicated mostly to those of you, who can already feel their urge to be happy, to be free, to be creative… But they are still stuck somewhere…

Lots of people do live this story…

Just aging for 40 years in a job, which we hate… Losing our life time!

So when it is let’s say safe to quit our job?

Easy answer could be:

When you will have enough money for at least 3 month of your life!

This recommendation is mostly for those, who already have some hobby for making some extra money.

Ok, I will be little bit more specific…

Real life story:

My friend’s Honza mom was making phenomenal jewelry.

Handmade, creative, hobby… Beautiful hobby…

Of course there is money! Money is in every single field you can think of!

Hers customers were mostly friends from work and other friends.

And now, you tell me…

What is better?

To work 8 or more hours per day for decades and earn like 1000 USD per month

(actually in our country it was 600 USD per month)?


To be at home or under the tree on a meadow or on a vacation or anywhere you like it…?

And there just for three hours per day create 30 different pieces of jewelry?

Each one for sale for 100 dollars.

That’s 3000 USD per month just for a hobby, just for having fun a doing, what she already loves!

And just 3 hours per day!

Making money is just really the simplest math from school.

So tell me, what is better? I chose my way.

And so did Honza’s mom. After more than 6 years she quit her job also!



She’s making much more money than ever before! Even more than what I counted in our example earlier!

Because all the time she was giving to her work, she started to give to her passion!

So she became better at it!

And she is able to make much more jewelry much quicker and much more beautiful and therefore to sell it for much more money!

Let me say this one more time:

Of course there is money! Money is in every single field you can think of! 

But it is even simpler.

SO SIMPLE! It is actually all about the time, do you see it?


If you do something really often, you will become good at it.

And when you even love it that is the right combination!

It is always your decision to have or not to have time!

Only you can decide where will you spent your life time.

Doing the job as it supposed to be done and just be nervous till you come home and will start to make your ,,jewel“?

Or to do what you enjoy and love since you wake up?

Remember: Money is in every single field you can think!

It took SIX YEARS to Honza’s mom! SIX YEARS!!! SIX YEAAARSSS!!!!

I’m happy for her now! 😉

Why does it take so long to us?

Because we people are scared! Scared to stay on our own feet.


So, try this:

Challenge yourselves and save every single penny, dollar, euro, jen, pound or whatever which you make by your own way…

By making your own ,,jewlery” and save it aside in your moneybox which has ,,MY HAPPY LIFE” written on it.

And as you make enough money for three months of your life without your job…



It will happen just because of the TIME, which you invest in YOU and not in someone’s others dreams!


You will be able to make more jewelry, to cut more hairs, to paint more pictures, to train more people, to cook more meals, to insure more customers, to sell more photos, to create more value for others…



I hope, you understand what I’m trying to tell you…

So as usual it is only up to you if you will find the courage or if you will be Honza’s mom maybe for rest of your life.

I wish you the best! Keep fighting for your dreams and wishes!

The journey itself is amazing! 😉

Sincerely Your friend…

Jakub Vosáhlo 😉

P.S.: Join me in my YouTube channel HERE!

How to Start to be Happier almost Immediately?



If you Love Magic and Art, then stay dedicated and STOP THE FILTH! 😉

My dear Magic friend, hello! Always nice to be with you! 😉

Let’s jump in today’s topic in your own voice again,ok?

You want to be successful magician and most of all HAPPY MAGICIAN, right?! 🙂

Then you need to know, how to STOP OTHER PEOPLE’S FILTH!

Last time I told you, that it will be so difficult and that most people will search for BUTs…

But maybe not you.

Maybe you will do it and you will find what you are looking for.

As those who understand, how important it is to work on ourselves everyday!



Who are the others?

STOP – TV News

STOP – Paper News

STOP – Internet News

STOP – To talk to people, who talks about news!

STOP – Listen to people who are just complaining!

STOP – Listen to people, who are telling you, that you CAN’T…!


Simply said:

Get rid of TV, News, advertising, people who are not supporting you… STOP!

Please, do it for your better magic, better art, better creations,…. for happiness!

Sounds easy, but is not and not everyone can do it!

Mostly people start to search for BUTs.

Think about your brain like about computer. The best computer which was ever invented!

What you put in, that’s what will stay in!

And that’s what will create youre personality and your whole Life!

If you let the ,,FILTH“ go in, ,,FILTH“ will create YOU!

Let the ,,GOOD“ in and ,,GOOD“ will help you with EVERYTHINK! 😉

But there is one more THE OTHER!

The most important of all of them.

And that’s YOU!

You have to learn how to consciously stop the little enemy in our heads.

The one, who’s telling us, that he doesn’t want to do the workout today, that we can’t accomplish this and that, that we are not pretty enough, that others are better then we are, that we don’t have time and, and, and, and…




But we have to start somehow, right?


It is affecting us sooo badly.

You have to let just nice and education things enter your brain and stay there.

So, ones again…


This advice changed my life, it changed life to people I love and it is one of the first lessons I teach, when I do my life lectures!


As you can see, I’m repeating it to you as much as I can also :-))).

Because I know, that it will help you and, that’s why I’m telling it to you so passionately ;-).

It is so great, how after all those years people do write letters to me, how this tip made them feel happier since they throw away their TV.

Try it for 15 days without TV and Radio, hm?

Think just about things you love!!!

Study magic, perform, go out instead of watching TV, read a book, make love, drink tea or coffe…

Do whatever you love and STOP OTHER PEOPLE’S FILTH! (Here it is again :-))) )

It is your life and you have all the rights to live it happily!

I know, that it is not so easy, because most of the people can’t  live without TV anymore!

They even think so (that’s so sad…), but it is just a really bad habit!

And it is stuck in our brain.

But you can change it… And you should.

I’m telling you all of this as a friend on the same boat with you :-).

Take it as a challenge or your own personal fight!

Avoid all those things and you will start to realize, how life is much more beautiful!

And one more thing!

Keep this advice just for yourselves…

And then (and only then) when you will be sure, that you finally understand how this is helping you,

then you can recommend it to others, ok? 😉

Let just nice things enter into your brain! 😉

So, what do you think about those 15 days?

That’s all from me for today…


Your magic friend… Jakub Vosáhlo 🙂

P.S: Stay dedicated! Unplug your TV!

I did it and gave it to those, who want to be addicted and unhappy.

P.S.: Join me in my YouTube channel HERE!

About Life, Success and Happiness!


Magicians, Thank You! Let’s Talk Magic Worldwide!

Friends, hello for the first time! 🙂

Now just read it in your own voice a think it through for yourself…

Just to make everything clear…

What did I prepare for you and how?

People in my country are reading my books, my essays, visiting me on my live workshops and seminars, I do TV, radio, live speeches, shows…

I’m basically pretty busy Artist.



So I decided to use my free time to translate all of that, what I already created in Czech republic and give it to you!

That’s it!

We are living this Life just ones so I want to share it with others and show them, that we are not alone!

I want to be support to those who need it, because I know how difficult it is, when you want to be a magician (in my case:-) ) and all teachers and people around you are telling you, that this is not a proper job.

But it is – THE BEST :-)!

Everything what I’ll ever write for you or shoot for you will be in my personal combination of English basics and my Czech thinking – SINCE NOW I WILL CALL IT CZENGLISH:-)))

My sentences will mabye never be literary accurate but If you will want to understand me, you will.

I want to write all of this for you with my own hands and to let it sound as it sounds from my mouth.

I hope, that you will find your way, how to understand me :-).


I’m not promising you, that I will change your life, that you will make huge amount of money, that every single one of your dreams will come true, that you will be happy all the time and that you will be successful as no one before…

I don’t have the power to promise you all of that.


But I do promise you, that I will share information and know-hows, which works for me, for my friends, my business partners…

I will teach you information thank to those we can accomplish our children and our adult dreams and start to being little bit happier every day.

These tips and practical know-hows will work for you!

They will! Because they do work, it’s that simple!


You have to do the basic step and start to transform yourselves for better.

Take it slow, be persistent and keep working on you every day of your life!

If you will really use maybe only one of those tips which I will show you on our journey, you will grow!

As you will see that on yourselves, you will start to do all the other tips and you will grow so much faster and so much higher!

So, what will I share with you and what will we try to accomplish?

– How to make living by doing what you love?

– How to earn more money?

– How to save time and have more of it for you and your hobbies?

– How to be more fit and healthy without hours in the gym or counting calories?

– How to grow your confidence?

– How to speak on public?

– How not to work for others but for you?

– How to help yourselves by helping others?

– And most of all… How to by happier every day and live your life as you wish?

I will show you much more of course, but we have plenty of time for all of that as we will study together and try to work on us to be better partner, husband, friend…. Person ;-).

I will help you to rewrite bad habits in your brain and will give you very practical tips, what to do and why to do it and what not to do of course.

We don’t want to be those people, who are just watching TV and are still complaining about their boss, their life, their problems…

You know, I think, this is enough for today…

So till next time think, if this is really the journey you want to go on.

Because next time I will send you the first personal tip of mine

and it will be sooo difficult to accomplish, so be aware! 🙂

And please, do understand, that this journey of Success and Happiness is not for everyone!


That’s, why world and life are so beautiful – Because everything is balanced all the time!

Some are successful and happy, some are not!

You will be, if you will be honest to yourselves and if you stay on your road!

Thank you for today, I wish you a great day and see you tomorrow!


Your magic friend…

Jakub Vosáhlo

P.S.: Join me in my YouTube channel here!